Donate & Save
At Alfred Enderby we have a once in a lifetime chance to expand our premises into Building 13 next door but it couldn’t have come at a trickier time with the cost of living crisis and high interest rates… That’s why we are asking dedicated loyal customers, dear friends and fabulous trade customers to help us to raise vital funds before one of many interested parties beat us to it.
Would you please consider donating £100 to the smokehouse and optionally also ask 5 of your like-minded friends to do the same? Feel free to ask more, the more the merrier! As a thank you we will give 10% discount for two years on everything you buy. I am sorry to ask, when times are so tough for us all, but we will simply miss this opportunity for ever if we don’t take it now.
If you have questions or thoughts you are keen to share with me please do not hesitate to contact me. I have outlined our plans for your consideration on the 'Donate & Save' page on our site and as always, I am open to ideas and offers of help!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.